Zoria RPG System Information:
The Zoria RPG System is an advanced gaming system designed from the ground up to fit into the general pattern of the present d20 gaming environment, with new rules designed to supplant those offered by competing games. The concept of Zoria is closer to older systems such as RIFTs and MERP/Rolemaster, and less like a video game than its other modern counterparts. As such, it fills the present void in which there is a noticeable lack in classical gaming environments.
In its own way, Zoria is to most modern game systems what AD&D was to "the white box" D&D game, and what Rolemaster was to AD&D: an advanced gaming product with a sharper focus on realism and structure than most other current games. Yet, despite its differences, anybody familiar with the d20 gaming system will be able to start playing Zoria with very little "learning" time. You may download the present developmental releases of the Zoria RPG System below. Primary (Black) releases are notable benchmark installments, whereas the most current Red Release is usually a newer installment, but without some of the niceties of the Black releases and Blue releases are test-versions with additional content, but some of it is un-tested in actual play. Finally, Amber releases have the absolute-latest content, but may also have duplicated content and/or rather hastily-written segments.
Additionally, you will find downloads for the Zoreac language fonts, including dictionaries and examples, along with character record sheets and other general and miscellaneous documentation. Please view any or all of it for your gaming pleasure. You may send feedback to the author by sending him an e-mail at any time.
At present, there is neither a fixed, nor a tentative release date for the completed Zoria RPG gaming system, but rest asssured that we'll publish more news on the subject of availability when the system nears publication. For now, please download the latest Black, Red, Blue and Amber releases (which are only available to subscribing storytellers and playtesters in a special area) and check back regularly for updates. To subscribe for special releases, please contact the author.
Downloadable Files:
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.123 Black Release] (19.0MB PDF)
New: This is the latest available Black release as of 24th September 2012; At last!.
Note: The document version also includex an appendix with the latest character-record sheets and spellcaster-record sheets, so that you will always have them handy, and a bonus Appendix with even more spells. You may still wish to download the Word Docment versions of the character record sheets as well, so that you can type in your character datum before printing.
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.121 Red Release] (20.2MB PDF)
New: This is the latest available Red release as of Saturday, 22nd September 2012 and includes character record sheets.
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.120 Blue Release] (2.23MB PDF)
New: This is the latest available Blue release as of Saturday, 22nd September 2012.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement:
Blank Character Sheet [v4.0.4] (248K
Word DOC)
New: This is the current version
of the Master Character Record Sheets for Zoria RPG Rev Blue. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement:
Blank Character Sheet [v4.0.4] (58K
OpenOffice ODT Document)
New: This is the current version
of the Master Character Record Sheets for Zoria RPG Rev Blue. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement:
Blank Character Sheet [v4.0.3] (159K
New: This is the current version
of the Master Character Record Sheets for Zoria RPG Rev Blue. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Sorcerer Spellcaster Sheet [v1.3] (80KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Sorcerer Spellcaster Sheet [v1.3] (104KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Wizard Spellcaster Sheet [v2.8] (88KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Wizard Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Wizard Spellcaster Sheet [v2.8] (108KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Wizard Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Channeler Spellcaster Sheet [v0.5] (80KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Channeler Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Channeler Spellcaster Sheet [v0.5] (100KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Channeler Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Wild Mage Spellcaster Sheet [v1.2] (79KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Wild Mage Spellcaster Sheet [v1.2] (50KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Wild Mage Spellcaster Sheet [v1.2] (21KB OpenOffice ODT)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Mastermind Spellcasting & Psychic Powers Sheet [v1.1] (91KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Mastermind Spellcasting & Psychic Powers Sheet [v1.1] (52KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Mastermind Spellcasting & Psychic Powers Sheet [v1.1] (212B OpenOffice ODT)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Temporal Powers & Paradox Sheet [v1.1] (99KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Channeler Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Red. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Temporal Powers & Paradox Sheet [v1.0] (84KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Channeler Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Temporal Powers & Paradox Sheet [v1.0] (88KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Channeler Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.
  Zoreac Dictionary [Rev.2.3] (176KB PDF)
Older Releases:
Character Record Sheets:
Zoreac Language & Fonts (TTF):
Misc. Files:
Thank you for your interest in the Zoria RPG System. Zoria RPG: An Advanced Gaming System © 2003-2012 Design By XS, Inc.
ZoriaRPG.com © 2006-2012 Design By XS, Inc.
Zoria&trade is a Trademark of Design By XS, Inc.
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.120 Amber Release] (2.23MB PDF)
New: This is the latest available Amber release as of Friday, 21st September 2012.
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.119 Blue Release] (2.23MB PDF)
New: This is the latest available Blue release as of Wednesday, 19th September 2012.
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.84 Blue Release] (5.58MB PDF)
New: This is the latest available Blue release as of 2nd October 2011.  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.77 Black Release] (20.6MB PDF)
New: This is the latest available Black release as of 27th August 2011.
Note: The document version also includex an appendix with the latest character-record sheets and spellcaster-record sheets, so that you will always have them handy. You may still wish to download the Word Docment versions of them as well, so that you can type in your character datum before printing.  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.70 Black Release] (20.4MB PDF)
New: This is the latest available Black release as of 6th July 2011.
Note: The document version also includex an appendix with the latest character-record sheets and spellcaster-record sheets, so that you will always have them handy. You may still wish to download the Word Docment versions of them as well, so that you can type in yor character datum before printing.  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.68 Red Release] (19.7MB PDF)
New: This is the latest available Red release as of 4th July 2011.
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.67 Red Release] (19.7MB PDF)
Note: This is the latest available Red release as of 4th July 2011.
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.65 Amber Release] (4.2MB PDF)
Note: This is the latest available Amber release as of 2nd July 2011.
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.63 Blue Release] (4.17MB PDF)
Note: This is the latest available Blue release as of 26th June 2011.
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Creating Magical Items [Rev 0.5.3] (240KB PDF)
New: This is supplement to Rev Black.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Combat System [v0.6] (144KB PDF)
New: This is supplement to Rev Black.  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.38 Black Release] (19.7MB PDF)
Note: The document version on the cover is incorrect (stated as! The title page correctly shows the version as  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.33 Red Release] (17.9MB PDF)
Note: This is the latest available release as of 25th January 2010.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Spellcasting & MEA Scores (4KB PDF)
New: This is supplement to Rev Red.  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.26 Black Release] (17.5MB PDF)
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.19 Red Release] (18MB PDF)
  Zoria RPG System [v0.3.5.14 Red Release] (2.0MB PDF)
Note: This release is incorrectly marked v0.5.3.14 on the title page. It is actually release No. There is no v0.4 yet, much less a v0.5!  Zoria RPG System Supplement:
Blank Character Sheet [v4.0.4] (248K
Word DOC)
New: This is the current version
of the Master Character Record Sheets for Zoria RPG Rev Blue. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement:
Blank Character Sheet [v4.0.4] (58K
OpenOffice ODT Document)
New: This is the current version
of the Master Character Record Sheets for Zoria RPG Rev Blue. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement:
Blank Character Sheet [v4.0.3] (159K
New: This is the current version
of the Master Character Record Sheets for Zoria RPG Rev Blue. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Sorcerer Spellcaster Sheet [v1.3] (80KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Sorcerer Spellcaster Sheet [v1.3] (104KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Wizard Spellcaster Sheet [v2.8] (88KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Wizard Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Wizard Spellcaster Sheet [v2.8] (108KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Wizard Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Channeler Spellcaster Sheet [v0.5] (80KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Channeler Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Channeler Spellcaster Sheet [v0.5] (100KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Channeler Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Wild Mage Spellcaster Sheet [v1.2] (79KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Wild Mage Spellcaster Sheet [v1.2] (50KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Wild Mage Spellcaster Sheet [v1.2] (21KB OpenOffice ODT)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Mastermind Spellcasting & Psychic Powers Sheet [v1.1] (91KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Mastermind Spellcasting & Psychic Powers Sheet [v1.1] (52KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Mastermind Spellcasting & Psychic Powers Sheet [v1.1] (212B OpenOffice ODT)
New: This is the current version of the Sorcerer Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Temporal Powers & Paradox Sheet [v1.1] (99KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Channeler Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Red. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Temporal Powers & Paradox Sheet [v1.0] (84KB PDF)
New: This is the current version of the Channeler Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Temporal Powers & Paradox Sheet [v1.0] (88KB Word DOC)
New: This is the current version of the Channeler Spellcasting Record Sheet for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement:
Blank Character Sheet [v4.0] (248K
Word DOC)
New: This is the current version
of the Master Character Record Sheets for Zoria RPG Rev Amber. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement:
Blank Character Sheet [v3.9] (203K
New: This is the current version
of the Master Character Record Sheets for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement:
Blank Character Sheet [v3.9] (454KB Word
New: This is the current version
of the Master Character Record Sheets for Zoria RPG Rev Black. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Character Sheet [v3.8] (204KB PDF)
New: This is supplement to Rev Red. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Character Sheet [v3.8] (412KB Word DOC)
New: This is supplement to Rev Red. Example text appears in light grey.  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Character Sheet [v3.5] (200KB PDF)
  Zoria RPG System Supplement: Blank Character Sheet [v3.5] (452KB Word DOC)
  Zoria Character Sheet [Grey Text Example] [v3.0] (204KB PDF)
  Zoria Character Sheet [Grey Text Example] [v3.0] (480KB Word DOC)
  Blank Zoria Character Sheet [v2.2] (184KB PDF)
  Blank Zoria Character Sheet [2.2] (468KB Word DOC)
  Zoria Character Sheet [Grey Text Example] [v2.2] (196KB PDF)
  Zoria Character Sheet [Grey Text Example] [v2.2] (472KB Word DOC)
  Blank Zoria Character Sheet [2.1] [Saturday Game] (196KB PDF)
  Blank Zoria Character Sheet [2.1] [Saturday Game] (472KB Word DOC)
  Zoreac Font [Mode I]
  Zoreac Font [Mode II]
  Zoreac Font Test Page
  Zoreac Dictionary [Rev.2.3] (176KB PDF)
  Zorean Sroll of Life [PDF]
  Zorean Sroll of Life [Charcoal]
  Flags of Zoria
  Ilumera Maps
  Development Files
  Saturday Group Character Record Sheets
All other gaming & RPG products are Trademarks of their respective owners.